Thursday, June 10, 2010

Saint Francis of Assisi

Name: Giovanni di Bernardone. Birth: 1182 Asís, Italia. Death: 1226 Asís, Italia. Venerated: in Catholic Church. Canonization: July 16, 1228, in Asís. Home Shrine: Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Italy.

Francis of Assisi was an Italian saint, deacon, founder of the Franciscan Order and a second order known as the “Poor Clares”. Son of a wealthy merchant of the city in his youth. Their religious life was austere and simple, which encouraged his followers to do the same. There are many things accomplished during his life, he rebuilt churches, and lived in Poverty and in 1209 won approval from the Pope.
He calls the animals, fire and water, brothers and sisters, for all creatures come from the same source and, in a sense, all are members of a family and was hailed as patron of ecology by Pope John Paul II November 29, 1979.
Today, thanks to his love Francis of Assisi by living organisms, it is customary to bring the animals to the Mass called "Blessing of the animals." Each year millions of animals are the priestly blessing

San Francisco loved all creatures of God and followed His example of kindness, mercy, compassion and love for all creation. However, there is nothing of kindness and compassion in factory farms and slaughterhouses of today, where billions of animals lead a miserable life and have to deal with a violent and bloody death

Francis of Assisi is a beautiful example of life, he lived what he thought, was a tireless search,. I admire the love he had for animals. Well I hope to contribute new data, it's great that animals and pets have a saint!!:)


feñajimenez said...

Hi! Moni!
It really represents us. I like it. Good work!

Rodrigo said...

Hi geny... wow! Saint Francis of Assisi, that interesting. See you later. :P

Miss said...

Name: Giovanni di Bernardone. Birth: 1182 Asís, Italia. Death: 1226 Asís, Italia. Venerated: in Catholic Church. Canonization: July 16, 1228, in Asís. Home Shrine: Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Italy.

Francis of Assisi was an Italian saint, deacon, founder of the Franciscan Order and a second order known as the “Poor Clares”. Son of a wealthy merchant of the city in his youth. Their religious life was austere and simple, which encouraged his followers to do the same. There are many things accomplished during his life, he rebuilt churches, and lived in Poverty and in 1209 won approval from the Pope.
He calls the animals, fire and water, brothers and sisters, for all creatures come from the same source and, in a sense, all are members of a family and was hailed as patron of ecology by Pope John Paul II November 29, 1979.
Today, thanks to his love Francis of Assisi by living organisms, it is customary to bring the animals to the Mass called "Blessing of the animals." Each year millions of animals are the priestly blessing.

San Francisco loved all creatures of God and followed His example of kindness, mercy, compassion and love for all creation. However, there is nothing of kindness and compassion in factory farms and slaughterhouses of today, where billions of animals lead a miserable life and have to deal with a violent and bloody death…

Francis of Assisi is a beautiful example of life, he lived what he thought, was a tireless search,. I admire the love he had for animals. Well I hope to contribute new data, it's great that animals and pets have a saint!!:)

this is very interesting!! very original

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