Wednesday, May 12, 2010


This career have multiple job opportunities, for example job in livestock area, production, epidemiology, wildlife study, meat studies, avian and others many areas because this professions is one of the most complete in areas of knowledge, with more than 72 specialties recognized in the world, but I choose the career of clinical area. Between greater clinic and retail clinic, I don’t know yet, but I love the clinical area. Always wanted to study veterinary and in this university, never think in other option, I don’t like work whit people, only whit animalsJ. I know that in the future I will have to interact with pet owners, but my job will for the animals.
Well the only that I want is get my title and job in a clinic in Illapel, with family friends that live to 5 minutes of my house and have a clinic of horses and small animals(the only clinic in Illapel). This profession has a great responsibility whit the people and society (in relation of animals), because we work animal life and we care about public health and animal health. Remember that caring for the animals we protect ourselves.


Miss said...

This career SVA have multiple job opportunities, for example job in livestock area, production, epidemiology, wildlife study, meat studies, avian and others many areas because this WF professions is one of the most complete in areas of knowledge, with more than 72 specialties recognized in the world, but I choose the career of clinical area. Between greater clinic and retail clinic, I don’t know yet, but I love the clinical area. ^ Always wanted to study veterinary and in this university, never TENSE think in other option, I don’t like WF work whit people, only whit animalsJ. I know that in the future I will have to interact with pet owners, but my job will for the animals.
Well the only that I want is get my title and job in a clinic in Illapel, with family friends that live to 5 minutes of my house and have a clinic of horses and small animals(the only clinic in Illapel). This profession has a great responsibility SP whit the people and society (in relation of animals), because we work animal life and we care about public health and animal health. Remember that caring for the animals we protect ourselves.

well said...very interesting reasons and powerful as well.
very good!

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